Congratulations on caring for nature

Congratulations on caring for nature

The desire and need to give gifts, as well as the joy of accepting them, will never run dry in humanity. Gifts were given in all eras and times. But today the attitude towards them is changing, because they become part of the ecological footprint of any person.

Writer and thinker Ralph Emerson wrote: “... Offer something that is a natural reflection of the essence of a person and mentally easily correlates with his personality. … Give me what you put your soul into… The gift should reflect the lifestyle of the person himself”

What to give if you are an accountant, SMM specialist or blogger? It is probably not necessary to reduce the “lifestyle” that Emerson writes about to a profession. This concept should be taken in a broader sense. To mean by it the whole picture of the world of the donor, including the attitude to the modern world agenda, in which ecology occupies one of the top lines.

Giving Wisely: Unusual Eco-Friendly Gifts for friends, parents and colleagues

Giving with pleasure, from the heart, not sacrificing your life principles and at the same time taking into account the interests of the recipient is not an easy task.

When choosing a gift, you can refer to one of the principles of the Zero Waste concept - reuse. Each of us has a lot of unused things in good condition: a book, a piece of furniture, clothes or a toy that someone from our environment will be very happy with.

Another option is a do-it-yourself gift, especially if it is made from recycled materials, and it will not be difficult to dispose of it.

However, not everyone is ready to give their own things, re-gift something that is not useful in the household, or make a gift on their own.

In any case, when choosing, you should think about the ecological footprint of your presentation. How many resources were spent on its production? Can it be recycled?

Responsible consumption has created a whole niche of reusable eco products that reduce our carbon footprint. Consequently, the palette of original gifts has expanded!

Are you bored of giving mugs, glasses and thermoses that can be found in any vendor's store? Here are some examples of curious eco-things, giving which you will definitely please your loved ones with their originality!


One bag! 14 items that you will need every day. All made from eco-friendly materials, reusable, good for the Planet and fit for travel. We’ve used acacia wood, bamboo, birchwood, wheat straw, jute and cotton as our primary materials.

Perhaps our unique gift for a friend will help you embark on the path of awareness and care for the world around you. After all, many do not know that there are eco-alternatives, and if the gift is used, you must agree that there will be a little less garbage on Earth. We want you to move towards zero waste, conscious consumption and the rejection of disposables as comfortable and joyful as possible. That's why we launched our sustainable gift project.

Whatever ideas you are guided by when choosing a gift, the most important thing is a sincere desire to please a person.